
Running scikit-learn in Windows

A few days back Tahmid and I wanted to learn and in the meantime do some work on machine learning. So we started to explore some of the common tools available for machine learning experimentation. Within first few days, we realized that is is not going to be an easy task. Almost all the common machine learning tools on the market had a very steep learning curve. We choose to use scikit-learn for our first endeavor at machine learning experiments. Scikit-learn is a machine learning library for Python. My previous experience with python was not so good, especially on windows….
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Next Big Future: Maximizing Energy from Solar Panels on Slanted Roofs with kirigami shapechanging solar cells [Reblogged from ]

Researchers have shown a new way to help solar cells track the sun as it moves across the sky, which could boost a panel’s energy generation by 40 percent. Most of the solar panels in the world sit on rooftops at a fixed angle, so they miss out on capturing energy during parts of every day. Now researchers have shown that by cutting solar cells into specific designs using kirigami, a variation of origami which entails cutting in addition to folding, they can allow the cells to track the sun’s angle without having to tilt the whole panel. This could…
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I was to write this follow up post much earlier. This is a vital part of a public work to discuss about every part of the work after the work is finished. This is why i am writting this on behalf of the whole team who worked for this.  First of all , comes the registration. Many thought that the registration fee was high, but actually thats not. You should know that the workshop was 100% sponsor free. This is an important thing for us as organiser. We have to completely depend on the registration fee. We managed the whole…
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The need of Green Education.

The education System we are leading in our Country is very much lee green (at least i have found out so). I think we need to change our system to a much greener one. You may be asking how our education system is less green???The answer is, see in our education system we use so much paperwork. We can reduce these papaer work by using computerized system and many other modern technology… Beside this , in official use the pages are used in single side… But using dual side of page we can reduce the use of paper to almost…
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Brushing some old memories in words.

It was very interesting to work again on a old project…. It gave back the memories of working hard to make something creative…. I always tried to create something, but was impossible without help……   Creative things are hard to create but gives pleasure watching it work….   Thanks to SUST for giving me such friend and teachers without whom life is impossible now….. I am verymuch thankfull to Our teacher (Nazmus Sahadat sir) for helping us very much to develop our skill….. And what can i tell about my group mates…. They (Tahmid and Zitu) are the items that…
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Remote Control Robotic car

Here is some documents and videos of the first robotic car … [scribd id=89387130 key=key-1znt2gwl52q5fjs3cs21 mode=scroll] [wpvideo y3J8H0AF] The car is made with as far low cost and local technologies possible. The details of who worked for the project. Group members Shahadat Hussain Parvez Jubair Hossain Tahmid Hassan Talukdar Advisor MD Nazmus Sahadat, lecturer,  EEE, SUST If you have any question related to this Robotic car. Feel free to comment here or contact any member of the project at Parvez – Tahmid – Jubair –

বিদ্যুৎ সাশ্রয়ী হন খরচ কমান।

আমাদের দেশে বিদ্যুৎ সঙ্কট প্রবল । এর জন্য কিন্তু আমাদের অনেক দুর্ভোগ পোহাতে হয়।  কিন্তু আমরা চাইলে এটাকে কিছু পরিমাণে লাঘব করতে পারি । আপনারা নিশ্চয়ই  মনে মনে বলছেন ‘কীভাবে’? তাহলে পড়তে থাকুন। আমরা দৈনন্দিন জীবনে বিদ্যুৎ ব্যবহারে এতটা সাশ্রয়ী থাকিনা। আমরা মনে করি এটুকু বিদ্যুৎ সাশ্রয় করে লাভ কি ? মনে করুন আপনি আপনার একটি রুম আলোকিত করতে ১০০ ওয়াট বাল্ব (অনেকেই আদর করে হলুদ বাতি বলে ) ব্যবহার করছেন। কিন্তু আপনি চাইলেই একটি ১৭ ওয়াট CFL (অনেকেই এনার্জি বাল্ব বলে ডাকে ) বাতি দিয়ে সেই কাজ সারতে পারেন। অনেকেই তা করেন না , কারন একটি ১০০ ওয়াট বাল্বের…
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