Electronics Project

Electronics Project

Rotating Display

Few days Back me and Jitu tried to make a rotating display. Here is the final output of the display Any one interested to Hack it up can see this pdf [gview file=”http://dl.shparvez.net/Electronics_Project/Codes/rotating_display/Rotating-display-Making-code.pdf”] Or See my Instructables here Get a full functional Code from here http://dl.shparvez.net/Electronics_Project/Codes/rotating_display/Rotating_Display_code.c   If you try out this project, you can share you experience in the comment or directly to my email.

Remote Control Robotic car

Here is some documents and videos of the first robotic car … [scribd id=89387130 key=key-1znt2gwl52q5fjs3cs21 mode=scroll] [wpvideo y3J8H0AF] The car is made with as far low cost and local technologies possible. The details of who worked for the project. Group members Shahadat Hussain Parvez Jubair Hossain Tahmid Hassan Talukdar Advisor MD Nazmus Sahadat, lecturer,  EEE, SUST If you have any question related to this Robotic car. Feel free to comment here or contact any member of the project at Parvez – shparvez001@student.sust.edu Tahmid –  tahmid@student.sust.edu Jubair –  jitu.s4sust@gmail.com